Themes and Dashboard
Custom login logos
Custom corporate branding can be applied to TMS by adding your corporate logo files into the web directory. Prior to version, the upgrade wizard would overwrite these changes. To circumvent this problem, you can now add a custom login logo ...
Progress Indicator
The Progress indicator is an animated graphic used to depict a loading function. It is intended to show the user that the system is working on something and is not waiting for user input or frozen. This is useful when attempting to run large reports, ...
Dashboard background
In addition to changing the Theme of your system, it is also possible to upload a background image to add to the Supervisor and/or Employee dashboard. To do this, navigate to the Theme feature of the System options. Following this, select Dashboard ...
Modifying and deleting a created Theme
Once a new Theme has been created, it is possible to Modify or Delete the Theme. To do this, simply select it from the grid of Themes and this will take you to the Modify theme page: This page is divided into two sections, with the following options ...
Creating a Theme
In addition to selecting from the pre-defined list of Themes, the system allows you to create your own Theme to apply, which is done on the Create theme page. This page is divided into two sections, with Action buttons in the left-hand pane and Name ...
Active Themes
The Active Themes page allows you to determine which Theme will be applied for Supervisors and Employees. The page is divided into two sections, with the Action buttons in the left-hand pane and the drop-down lists that Themes can be selected from in ...
The Theme page allows a Supervisor to customise the look of their system, by defining what colour the toolbar, titles and panes will be for Employees and Supervisors, and also by adding a background image to the Dashboard. To display the Theme page, ...