Kiosk log
The log provides you with information on any interactions that your Employees have had with your Kiosk system, and also gives you details of any errors that have occurred with your Kiosk system. In the following screenshot, you can see that the ...
Modify Kiosk preferences
The Modify preferences page allows you to determine the preferences for your Kiosk system. The page is divided into two sections, with the preferences on the main page and action buttons on the left-hand panel: The main page contains the following ...
Preparing to install Kiosk
In order to download and install a Kiosk, navigate to the Prepare install section of the Kiosk site planner feature, by selecting it from the left-hand panel of the Kiosk site planner page. This will take you to the following page: The Prepare ...
Modify action
On the Configuration page, it is possible to set up different types of clockings for your Employees, including TAS clockings. The different types of clockings that can be created are called Actions and can be created by clicking on the entry in any ...
Kiosk Configuration
Selecting the Configure action button, from the left-hand panel of the Kiosk site planner feature, will open the following page: The configuration page is divided into two sections and contains the Setup action button in the left-hand panel and a ...
Kiosk details
This page contains the same information as the grid on the Kiosk site planner page, but in list format. However, it also contains three Action buttons that can be used to make changes to the currently selected Kiosk. These are: · Modify - the ...
Kiosk site planner
The Kiosk application is designed to provide your company with an easy to use and efficient clocking system, which is a Windows based application containing a user-friendly interface to make the process of clocking in and out faster and smoother. Set ...