Deleting an Absence
Sometimes, an Employee may need to delete a booked Absence in TMS 8. To delete a booked Absence, navigate to the Absence profile from the TMS 8 Header pane or the Dashboard. Locate the Absence you wish to delete, and select it to bring it up in the ...
Absence failure
Under certain circumstances it will not be possible for you to make a Request for a Planned absence and an error message will be displayed. These are often caused by absence restrictions which are defined by your system administrator. The causes of ...
Absence profile
The Absence profile shows your rostered days, worked hours and past and planned absences, in a calendar format, for a defined period of time. Employee Supervisor You can access the Absence profile feature from the menu in the drop-down Header pane. ...
Absence details
The full details of any Taken or Planned absences, for the selected entitlement type in the current Entitlement period, are accessed by clicking Taken or Planned. For example: The details includes the Type, TMS Absence code and Description for the ...
Book absence
Planned absences are records of any leave you have taken or are planning to take in the current recording period, e.g. in the current year. If you have a Planned Absence such as a holiday, they can be booked and requested using the Book absence ...