TMS 8 General Release Report

TMS 8 General Release Report

We are pleased to announce the latest general release of TMS 8: version! 

Please refer to the table below to view a list of the key features introduced for TMS 8. More information about the features can be found in this PDF, plus details on how to use the functionality. 

In addition to the new features, multiple issues have been resolved in each release. You can view a list of all bugs that have been fixed by reviewing previous release reports. More information can be found by contacting our Customer Support team or accessing them here

Important note: If you use the Data Assurance module, please read this guide to ensure you are not affected by the issue that has been identified.

For instructions on how to upgrade your installation of TMS 8, please take a look at our TMS 8 Upgrade guide by clicking here.

Released in version


Change Notes


403 error when logging in as a supervisor after session timeout

Resolved issue where return URL was malformed when navigating between login pages.

Elmah log messages are replaced with a message about System.Web.Mvc.HandleErrorInfo

The error messages were being masked in the Elmah logs, but this issue has now been corrected

An issue was identified with background images during regular security testing

The file validation for background images has been improved.

Unblocking the Lumidigm mercury readers

Lumidigm Mercury reader is now supported for enrolment

Changes to automated Jobs in the Data Assurance module

TMS Processor will no longer automatically delete users that have reached their DADELETIONDATE when there is no regular repeating job setup to delete them. It is recommended that customers who use the Data Assurance feature ensure they have a suitable job running on their processor

Field used in Data Assurance calculation can be inadvertently changed to date of birth resulting in Leavers being deleted in error

WinTMS will no longer hide date fields from Users that do not have access to them and so prevent this issue from occurring. More information will be provided in the Upgrade Notes


Sage MicrOpay API added

A new API has been added to link TMS 8 and Sage MicrOpay (this change will only affect customers in Australia)

Average holiday pay functions updated to 52-week periods

Average holiday pay functions are now calculated over a 52-week period, rather than a 12-week period. This is to support the changes made to holiday pay in April 2020.

Modify Documents access rights change

Modify documents Use access rights have been changed to allow greater control over where users can modify documents

New options for exporting reports

New options have been added to the Reports page when exporting reports

New Absence overlap setting

A new setting has been added for Absence overlaps that allow warnings to be ignored if they do not concern the Absence being booked

Changes to Alternative New starter process

The Alternative new starter process has been updated so that you can select a Starter from a drop-down menu

Scheduled messages excluding leavers

Schedules Messages have been changed to allow Messages to exclude Employees or Supervisors that have been marked as leavers

Security changes for Employee selection

Security changes have been made for Employee selection to prevent Supervisors viewing Employees they do not have access to

New Flex Balance and Summary Widgets

Two new Widgets have been added, one which shows a detailed Flex balance, and another that combines the other new Widget and the Flex Summary widget

Changes to Modify shift

Modify Shift now directs the user to the Shift Maintenance screen – modifying it from the Group or Employee planner will allow the user to edit a single Shift, while using the Modify Shift widget allows the user to edit every instance of the shift

Job planner report

A new report has been added that allows you to generate a report in RepGen that displays an Employee’s shift times as well as any associated Jobs allocated to that shift

Current shift clock card

Current shift Clock card allows you to process a shift while it is still in progress. This allows any changes to an Employee’s working hours to be made before the end of the shift

Shift import via CSV

Shift import from a CSV file allows Employees’ shifts in TMS to be planned externally and imported in bulk

Timesheet hours enhancements

Timesheet hours have been enhanced to support TAS data entry and Timesheet approval by supervisors

Shift import via XML files

Shift import from an XML file allows Employees’ shifts in TMS to be planned externally and imported in bulk

Return user to login page following session timeout

When a timeout occurs following a period of inactivity, users will be returned to the login page

Messaging now supports Employee PIN

When using messaging to send data into TMS, Employees can now use their PIN to authenticate instead of their password

TLS1.2 Support for Windows applications

WinTMS can now run databases on systems where either the client or the server requires the use of TLS 1.1 or 1.2 encryption

Hours restriction when booking non-working day Absences

A limit can be assigned to the Hours field on the Absence booking screen when booking and Absence on a non-working day

Login notices

You can now create log in notices for Employees (such as telling them it’s a bank holiday) which must be accepted before continuing with the login process

Data retention periods customisation

Data retention periods in the Data assurance module can now be customised

Hide Absence reason

Employees now have the option to not allow their manager to see their entered reason when requesting an Absence

Information widget

A new Widget has been added that is a Widget that can contain a customisable message

Self-service password reset changes

Self-service passwords are now reset via an email link

Cookie expiry period increase

The cookie expiry period has been increased from 24 hours to 30 days

Data Assurance module now available

Data Assurance features have been added to TMS 8 to aid users in achieving their data retention policies

Hard stops at the terminal

Hard stops can now be added to Terminals that can disable Clockings outside of certain defined times

On-site list colour preferences

The colours used in an on-site list can now be configured

Budgets now available in TMS 8

Budgets have been added to TMS 8, that allow users to maintain Budgets, Group Budgets and Employee Budgets

Progress indicator

An optional progress indicator has been added to TMS 8 that displays a loading graphic while TMS 8 is processing a request

Additional Payments

A data type for adding, modifying and displaying planned Additional payments has been added to Calendars

Job planner now available in TMS 8

Jobs can now be rostered to Employees’ Shifts in TMS 8

Recent clocking permissions for Employees

Permission to add, modify and delete a recent clocking has been extended to Employees. These permissions can be modified using WinTMS

Security improvements

Various security changes were added to TMS 8 to harden it against attacks, such as standardised login error messages, an increase to the maximum password length and notification of the last log in time when a user logs in

TAS clockings display additional information in Calendars

TAS Clockings are now included on Calendar entries in the right-hand details panel

Group calendars include Employee ID and name

When viewing a Group calendar, entries now display the Employee ID and name to make identifying the individual easier

Data input restricted on fields with a maximum length

Text fields that have a maximum character length now stop users from typing characters once they reach the limit

Fixed headers for Clock Card and Anomalies tables

Headers will now scroll with the page on the Clock card and Anomalies pages, which allows for easier identification of columns

Orphaned Employee deletion

An Orphaned Employees button has been added to the Add Employee page where you can view and delete Employees that were discarded during the Add employee process

Timesheet Change shift action

Timesheets now include the ability to change an Employee’s shift

Document attachments for the HR Panel

Documents can now be attached to HR Panels in the Employee Details page

Timesheet delete action

Timesheets now include a Delete work record action

Standalone enroller for TMS 8

The Enroller application can now be downloaded from TMS 8 without requiring a Kiosk site planner license (an Enroller, TMS or Access Control license is still required, and a Fingerprint enrolment actions should be enabled for the logged in user)

Work record flags

Work record flags can now be applied to Planned shifts in the Group planner

TMS 8 usage analytics

Usage analytics have been introduced into TMS 8 that allow Mitrefinch to monitor how TMS 8 is used by its users – this requires changes to the web.config file and a license preference

Terminal Site planner in TMS 8

The Terminal Site planner is now available for use in TMS 8

Drag and drop for Supervisor Group planners and Calendars

Drag and drop functionality can now be used by Supervisors in the Group planner and Calendar pages

‘scUnique’ special rule introduced

A new special rule has been introduced that enables a check on the field to ensure that the value being entered is unique across all Employees in the system

Performance enhancements

The response times for a number of features has been improved, in-part by the introduction of pagination. Pagination can be modified in the System preferences

On-site preferences

On-site preferences have been moved from the On-site feature to the System preferences

Payslips now support P60 documents

Payslips now supports P60 documents in both PDF and XML formats

Audit trail for TMS 8

Supervisors can now use the Audit Trail to view any audit entries in TMS

Shift maintenance

Shifts can now be created and maintained within TMS 8, rather than only in WinTMS

Notification messages when dragging and dropping

Clock cards and Anomalies will now display notifications as a pop-up when dragging and dropping

TMS 8 64-bit

TMS 8 can now be used on both 32-bit and 64-bit operating systems

Reports for specific Employees

Reports can now be configured to be run for specific Employees outside of the currently selected range of Employees

Kiosk Client for TMS 8

The Kiosk client is now available in TMS 8

Kiosk site planner for TMS 8

The Kiosk site planner is now available in TMS 8

Unapprove hours

An unapprove button is an allowable setting that allows Supervisors to unapprove hours

Lock/Unlock Employee accounts

Supervisors are now able to lock and unlock Employees’ account to prevent them from being logged in to

LDAP Authentication

TMS 8 now includes support for LDAP authentication

Desktop mode for TMS Outlook

TMS for Outlook can now be displayed in desktop mode rather than the mobile version

Theme improvements

Additional features have been added to Themes, such as customisable Themes and Background images for dashboards

Planner costing totals

A new set of costing totals have been introduced that can be put into a custom Calendars

Package Validator introduced

The package validator is a tool that will check the validity of the TMS package/database by inspecting form, panel and table associations

‘Save as Draft’ introduced for Timesheets

A preference that allows Employees to save drafts of their Timesheets

Drag and drop functionality on Clock Card

Supervisors and Employees can now drag and drop Hours code values into other Hours codes to resolve Anomalies and modify Work records, e.g. dragging and dropping a period of absence into a period of work

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