Scheduled messages

Scheduled messages

The Scheduled messages page is only available to Supervisors with Manage scheduled messages (Web only) enabled in their TMS User profile.

The Scheduled messages page allows a Supervisor to send messages to Employees. The message could be a simple information message (“The office will be closed today due to a water leak, please stay at home”), it could be a question with possible responses (“Are you available for a meeting at head office at 09:30 on Tuesday? – Yes, No”), or it could be a report on absences in the department for the next week. It could be a one off message, or it could be a recurring message to be sent every week (“Reminder: department meeting at 10am”) or on the first day of every month (“Your roster for this month is...”).

To display a list of Scheduled messages, select Scheduled messages from the System menu in the drop-down Header pane. It can also be accessed from the Menu and Shortcuts widgets which may be displayed on your Supervisor dashboard. A page similar to the following will open:

Note: for Scheduled messages to be sent, the 'Poll interval (minutes)' preference needs to be set in System Preferences > Messaging to any number of minutes other than 0.

The page contains a list of all Scheduled messages created by the currently logged in Supervisor. The main page has a Scheduled message per row, with information about the subject of the message, when the last message was sent, when it will next be sent, the actual scheduled time and any tags that have been appended to the message. Tags are created and maintained in the Messages received feature.

Any messages highlighted in grey, like 'Planning reminder' in the above example, means the Scheduled message has been disabled and will not be sent at the scheduled time until it has been enabled again. To enable or disable Scheduled messages, select the relevant messages by using the check-boxes and in the left-hand pane click 'Disable selected messages' to disable them or click 'Enable selected messages' to enable them.

A number of quick actions are available in the top-right hand corner. Clicking the plus sign icon will open a drop-down list:

The actions available are:

  • Send one-time message — opens the page to enter details to send a stand alone message to an Employee that will not be scheduled to reoccur
  • Create message — opens the page to enter details to send a message with different frequencies of when they will reoccur. An additional option is available to send the message instantly without saving the scheduled message

Note: Reports can be attached to both message types.

Clicking on the subject of a Scheduled message will open the Modify message page where you can copy and delete the message or modify the fields and selections for the message.

Note: Send one-time message, Create message and Modify message are only available to Supervisors with Send messages (Web only) enabled in their User profile.

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