Flexipay can generate various file formats to export Reports. The destination folder for these Reports is normally set at the Company level. In the Company details window, there is an option that allows you to specify a default location to save reports such as these. If this is not specified for a Company, Flexipay use the file path set in the Miscellaneous parameters.
As of version, Flexipay now has the option to export to a default location based on the User that is currently logged into Flexipay (i.e. the username and password that was used to login to Flexipay). This allows for situations where each specific User can save by default to their own location – for example, a folder that only they have access to.
To set this default save location, open the System menu in the Flexipay toolbar, and click Maintain users. This will open the Maintain users window – select the User you would like to edit, and click Modify.
This will open the Modify user window. A new option has been added to this window, labelled Documents directory. Click the "…" button to open a file browser where you can choose your preferred destination path:
Note: a specific User's Documents directory will only be used if the Company Documents directory has not been set. A Company's setting will always override the User's settings. In turn, the User's setting overrides the destination path in the Miscellaneous parameters.