Report profiles

Report profiles

The Report profiles page enables Supervisors to give the desired Employee the permission to access certain Reports. See Profile maintenance for more details.

After selecting Report profiles, the following page will be displayed:  

The left-hand pane contains the Close Action. Selecting this will return the user to the previous page, in this case, the main Reports page.

The centre of the page displays the profiles that currently exist within the system and each Report that the Employees belonging to that profile are permitted to access. Each row on the page lists one profile and the Reports that can be accessed. There are four columns, containing the following information:

  • Code - the profile's description

  • Description - a brief description of the profile

  • Profile type - whether the profile is for Employees or Supervisors

  • Reports -the Reports that the profile has access to

To add or remove access to a Report for a profile, click on the blue text in the Reports column at the end of the relevant row. This will take you to the Modify page.

Modify Profile

The Modify page contains two sections, the left-hand pane and the main pane:

The left-hand pane consists of the following options:

  • Cancel - this option will cancel your current Action and return you to the Reports profiles page

  • Submit - this option will save and submit any modifications you have made to the profile

In the main pane on the page, there is a list of the Reports that the profile currently has access to, and it is possible to either add or remove Reports from this list.

To remove a Report, simply find it in the list and select the small cross to the left of the Report name and description (highlighted above).

To add a Report, navigate to the end of the reports listed (using the scrollbar if necessary) and left-click in the empty space. This will trigger a pop-up window to open, which lists all of the Reports that are available to grant this profile access to (shown in the screenshot above). Simply select the desired Report from the list to grant the current profile access to it.

Once the desired changes have been made, select Submit, from the left-hand pane to save the changes.

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