Profile language

Profile language

A TMS profile language is the language or Culture defined for a TMS User profile (Supervisor and Employee profiles). To view the language associated with different profiles, navigate to the main Language maintenance page, by selecting Language maintenance from the menu in the drop-down Header pane, then click the Profiles action in the left-hand navigation pane:

A list of TMS User profiles (Profiles) and their associated language is displayed. For example:

By default, no language is assigned to a Profile. Instead, 'Auto detect' is assigned to all Profiles, as indicated by 'Auto' in the language column, unless it is explicitly changed.

To change the language associated with a Profile, click on the language for the Profile you wish to change. The Modify profile page opens, for example:

The Language drop-down list contains all of the currently Selected languages with the language associated with the Profile selected. In the example this is 'English (United Kingdom)'. Select a language from the list and click Submit in the left-hand pane to save the change of language and return to the updated Profiles list.

If you click Cancel, the language associated with the selected Profile is not changed.

Click Close to return to the main Language maintenance page. Changes to a TMS profile language will be displayed the next time a Supervisor and Employee with the modified Profile logs in to TMS.

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