The Point-in-time feature is used to display an Employee details panel as it would appear on a particular date in the past or future. The feature is accessed from clicking the quick action in the top-right of the Employee details page:
Note: the current date is displayed by default.
To view a panel on a different date, select the panel by clicking the appropriate tab then change the date in the Point-in-time date field and click Submit. The panel refreshes and is re-displayed as it would appear on the selected date. All other Employee details panels are also displayed as they would appear on the selected date.
When you have a Request that is pending for any Employee details panel, i.e. a Request that has not been approved by your Supervisor, the Point-in-time date is changed to match the Point-in-time date when the Request was submitted. If you attempt to Modify your Employee details, a message is displayed at the top of the page. For example:
This allows you to edit the Request before it is approved by your Supervisor. You cannot submit a Request with a different Point-in-time date until the pending Request is accepted, rejected or deleted.