The Planned shifts feature is used to view and make changes to your Shift pattern. Any change you make to a shift you are going to work may require approval from your Supervisor and so will automatically generate a Shift change request.
If the Planned shifts feature has been enabled for you, you can access it by selecting Planned shifts from the menu in the drop-down Header pane. It can also be accessed from the Menu and Shortcuts widgets which may be displayed on your Dashboard.
The Planned shifts page opens displaying details of the shifts you are working in the current period. The following shows the Planned shifts page for an Employee in January 2015:
The details include:
Use the navigational arrows to see your planned shifts for a different period and use the search box to enter text to truncate the list and only show the planned shifts with the entered information.
If you do not have any planned shifts in a selected period, 'No shifts to display' is shown. For example:
To make a change to a TMS shift, navigate to the Planned shifts page then use the navigational arrows to locate the period with the shift of interest. Click the Shift name or Shift description value for the shift to open the Request shift change page. The following is an example of the Request shift change page for a shift called 'SHOPDAY: Office day shift' on Monday 7th of December 2015:
Select a different shift from the Requested shift drop-down list and enter an optional Employee comment. The list is populated with valid alternative shifts, i.e. shifts which are available to you.
Click Submit to create a new Shift change request, or click Cancel to abandon the shift change and return to the Planned shifts page.
Note: If you request a shift change for a shift that has already been processed, i.e. converted into a TMS Work record, you are asked to confirm whether you wish to overwrite the Work record. For example:
Click Continue to proceed or Cancel to abandon the Shift change request and return to the Planned shifts page.
Any shift with a Request pending is highlighted with a yellow background and the pending icon in the Request status column.
If you are allowed to pre-plan overtime, two additional fields: Overtime and Overtime reason, are displayed on the Request shift change page. For example:
If you find that these fields are not displayed, then you can update a system preference from within the Windows WinTMS application to allow them to be shown.
In WinTMS, go to the ‘System’ menu option, and from there, choose ‘Maintain System Preferences’. Within the preferences, choose the ‘Web 2’ tab, and on the right-hand side look for ‘Planned Shift Changes’.
Here, you are able to check (or un-check) the ‘Use Overtime and Reason’ checkbox. Checking this will allow the ‘Overtime’ and ‘Overtime Reason’ fields to be displayed in the ‘Request Shift Change’ dialog.
To create a Shift change request with pre-planned overtime, first select a different shift from the Requested shift drop-down list and enter an optional Employee comment. Enter values in the Overtime and Overtime reason fields then click Submit to create a new Shift change request, or click Cancel to abandon the shift change and return to the Planned shifts page.
The shift with the Shift change request is highlighted with a yellow background and the pending icon displayed in the Request status column. For example:
This results in a personalised shift with the amount of overtime included in the Shift description field. This is 'OT: 04:00' in the previous example.
If you have requested a change to a TMS shift, you have the option to modify the Request. First navigate to the Planned shifts page then locate the Request. This will be a shift with a coloured background and an icon in the Request status column. You can modify a shift change request which is pending , accepted or rejected .
Click the Shift name or Shift description value for the shift. The Request shift change page opens. For example:
You can select a different shift from the Requested shift drop-down list and enter or edit the Employee comment.
Click Submit to create a new Shift change request, or Cancel to abandon the shift change and return to the Planned shifts page.
If you have requested a change to a TMS shift which you no longer need, you have the option to delete the Request provided it has not already been approved or rejected by your Supervisor. First navigate to the Planned shifts page then locate the shift change request. This will be a shift with a yellow coloured background and pending icon in the Request status column.
Click the Shift name or Shift description value for the shift. The Request shift change page opens. For example:
Click Delete request in the left-hand pane. The Delete shift request pop-up is displayed with details of the Request to be deleted. For example:
Click Delete to proceed, delete the Request and return to the Planned shifts page. Click Cancel to abandon the deletion and return to the Request shift change page.