Logging in and out as an Employee

Logging in and out as an Employee

Log in

Note: You will not be able to log in to TMS 8 if you have disabled cookies in your browser. To learn how to enable cookies in your browser, please refer your browser's help section.

Before you can log in to your TMS application, you need to navigate to the correct web address in your browser. Please contact your IT department or system administrator for details. When you are connected to the correct web address, the TMS login page is displayed:

Make sure you are using the Employee login screen.

You will need to enter your Employee ID and password. The Employee ID you are provided with may be your badge number, Employee number, payroll reference or it may be the same as the user name you log in to your PC with. Your system administrator will define the text displayed on the login screen.

Note: You may bypass the login page entirely and go directly to the Employee dashboard when you navigate to the address of your TMS application. This means that your TMS application has been set up to use Windows® authentication. Similarly, you may not need to enter a password (depending on the way your system has been set up).

Once you have entered your login details, click Login. If your login details are recognised, the Employee Dashboard is displayed. 

If you are having trouble logging in or require further assistance click on Help in the bottom right corner.

An additional Language drop-down list is displayed if your system has been set up to support multiple languages:

This allows you to select the language displayed in TMS from a list of Supported languages.

You will need to ask your Supervisor or system administrator to set up this feature.

Note: you will not see the Language drop-down list if your system has been set up with only one Supported language.

Log out

To log out of TMS, click the Log out link in the drop-down Header pane (click TMS in the header) or the Menu and Shortcuts Widgets which may be displayed on your Dashboard. For example:

This will log you out and return you to the L ogin page.
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