Two new options are available when using the Import CSV file to archive tool. On the Import window, two new checkboxes have been added:
When the Allow adding of archive records checkbox is ticked, any Archive records that do not already exist in the Flexipay data, but exist within the CSV file, are added into the Archive. Prior to this version of Flexipay, this was not possible. If this checkbox is unticked, and the CSV file has non-existing Archive records, then this will produce an error.
Additionally, ticking the Use pay period and tax year in import file checkbox allows Flexipay to automatically detect which Period and Tax year to import into if they are specified within the CSV file, which allows you to import multiple Pay periods at once. Normally, Flexipay opens a prompt to choose a single Period and Tax year to import into. If this checkbox is unticked and the CSV file has a TAXYEAR or PAYPERIOD column, this will produce an error. Similarly, it needs both TAXYEAR and PAYPERIOD when using this feature.