How to add a new TMS or HR Text Field
- Load DBDEF.EXE via your WinTMS directory and log in as MASTER.
- From the main screen choose ‘Maintain tables’.

- From the table, select the relevant table, e.g. ‘TMSEMP’ and click ‘Modify’

- From the Fields table, scroll to the bottom of the existing fields and add a new field on the blank line. Include the Field Name, the Type, the Length, and a Caption:
- Click OK to exit out of all of the options screens, click YES to the ‘Rebuild data for modified tables’ and OK once completed.

How to add the new Field to a Panel
- Click ‘Maintain Panels’, select the required panel the new field should be added to and click on the ‘Modify’ button.

- From the Modify Panel screen click the ‘Add’ button to add the new field.
- Select ‘Edit’ as the type and click OK.

- From the ‘Get field’ box select the Table and the Field from the drop-down menu.

- The field properties should be a suitable size, but can be amended if necessary.
- Click OK and the new field will be added to the top of the panel as a white square with a black border.

- Select the field and drag it into a more convenient place on the panel and click OK.

- Close the ‘Maintain Panel’ section and exit out of the DEBDEF application.
- Reload TMS/HR Manager and go to the panel where the field was added, e.g., the ‘Personal’ tab within the ‘Personal details’ option of HR Manager. The new field should now be in place.
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