Premium bands panel

Premium bands panel


The Premium bands panel is only displayed if the Shift you worked defines special pay rates or Premiums for the hours you work. The panel is accessed from the Edit button or by clicking on the day of your Work record in your Clock card. The number of Premium bands in the day is displayed in the Premium bands panel header. Click the header to expand the panel.

The panel is similar to the Hours bands panel but only displays details of hours worked at the Premium rate for the day. There is one row for each Premium band. For example:

The information displayed includes:

  • The Start and End time — of the Premium band. These may correspond to the clockings you made during the day and the times that the premium pay rate is applied

  • Hours code — a TMS Worked hours code and description for the Premium band. These are shown in a colour-coded tag. For example,  P1: Premium 1   

  • Hours value — the duration of the hours worked at the premium pay rate

  • TAS — any TAS category values for Premium band. These are shown in colour-coded tags. For example,  Factory    

Premium bands will also appear as rows in the Worked hours and Hours bands panels in the Edit work record page.

If you are allowed to edit your Premium bands, there are three actions available from this panel: Add hours, Modify and Delete.

Note: Any changes you make to Premium bands will not be reflected in the Worked hours or Hours bands panels. You need to update these separately if required.

Add premium band

To add a Premium band to a Work record, expand the Premium bands panel in the relevant Work record and click the Add hours button. The Add premium band page opens. For example:

The date of the Work record is displayed at the top of the page. This cannot be changed.

Note: The fields displayed may differ from those in the previous example and are only displayed if you are permitted to edit them. Example fields include:

  • Start and End time — the start and end times for the Premium band, the default is the start of the day
  • Hours value — this is calculated from the Start and End times you enter
  • Hours type — Premium is displayed by default and cannot be changed
  • Hours code — you must select an Hours code. The list contains only TMS Premium hours codes
  • TAS categories — optional fields to describe the Premium band. There are two TAS categories in the previous example: drop-down lists called 'Department' and 'Location', each containing a list of codes or values to select from

Select or enter the relevant details then click  Submit  and return to the Edit work record page, or click Cancel to discard your changes. The new Premium band is added to the Premium bands panel and highlighted with a  Draft  tag.

To add the new Premium band, click Submit in the left-hand navigation pane or click Cancel to discard the addition and return to your Clock card.

Note: Any change you make to a Premium band may require approval from your Supervisor and so will automatically generate a Request. Work records and any fields with requested data changes are highlighted with a Request  tag.

Delete premium band

To delete an existing Premium band in a Work record, expand the Premium bands panel in the relevant Work record and click on the Start or End time, Hours code, Hours value or TAS of the Premium band you wish to delete. A Modify Clocking page opens showing the existing values for the row. Click Delete at the bottom of the page. A pop-up window opens asking if you want to delete the Premium band. For example:

Click  Delete  to proceed and return to the Edit work record page with the row removed from the Premium bands and Hours bands panels. Click Cancel to abandon the deletion.

To apply the changes, click Submit in the left-hand navigation pane or click Cancel to discard the modification and return to your Clock card.

Modify premium band

To modify an existing Premium band in a Work record, expand the Premium bands panel in the relevant Work record and click on the Start or End time, Hours code, Hours value or TAS of the Premium band you wish to modify. A Modify premium band page opens showing the existing values for the row. For example:

You can change the Start time, End time, Hours code and any TAS category values. Select or enter the relevant details then click  Submit  and return to the Edit work record page, or click Cancel to discard your changes. Any changes you make are highlighted with a  Draft  tag.

To apply the changes, click Submit in the left-hand navigation pane or click Cancel to discard the change and return to your Clock card.

Note: Any change you make to your Premium band may require approval from your Supervisor and so will automatically generate a Request. Fields with requested data changes are highlighted with a Request  tag.

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