Changes to Pension re-enrolment

Changes to Pension re-enrolment

Pension re-enrolments are required to happen every three years. On the three-year anniversary of enrolment, the re-enrolment needs to happen within three months of the previous re-enrolment’s date.


For example:


Year 1: The employee was enrolled into a pension on the 01/05/2014. Shortly afterwards, they opted out.


The target date for the re-enrolment of the above employee would then have between 01/02/2017 and 01/08/2017.


Year 4: The employee is re-enrolled on 01/08/2017. Again, shortly afterwards they opted out.


The target date is now between 01/05/2020 and 01/11/2020.

Prior to Flexipay version 2.52, re-enrolment dates for pensions were based on the original enrolment date, not the date of the previous enrolment. Using the above example, the target date would not have been rolled forward 3 months due to an later re-enrolment, and instead still bases it on the original 01/05 date. This was incorrect.

As of Flexipay version 2.52, re-enrolment dates are now based on the date of the previous re-enrolment, not the original one. A new field has been added to the Modify company details window, in the Pension tab, where you can enter the Previous automatic re-enrolment date for so Flexipay will use the correct date for validation. The screenshot below demonstrates how you would specify the above example:

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